Often, some companies that work with Italian public administrations need digital signatures to participate in Italian invitations to tender.

If you are a non-italian citizens then you can still obtain an Italian Digital Signature following 12 steps:

  1. Fill in the Atto Notorio and go to an italian Embassy or Consulate with your passport and obtain a validation on the document;
    fill the digital signature contract, by Notary Act signed by a Notary in the country of the non-italian citizen. Attached it is explained where the notary have to sign and put his/her stamp.

  2. send us by email a copy of your passport; 
  3. we will send you a Request Form with your personal data;
  4. you confirm your data and sign the Request Form, send us a copy by email; 
  5. we will confirm your signature; 
  6. you send us the Atto Notorio and the Request Form by post or international courier; 
  7. we will receive your documents and give you payment details; 
  8. you pay by paypal; 
  9. we will send the digital signature by post or international courier;
  10. you confirm you received the Digital Signature;
  11. we will send the PINs card by post or international courier;
  12. you sign the Confirmation Letter and send it by post to us.



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